Dentists have been using bridges to replace missing teeth for one hundred years, but there have always been downfalls to this procedure. First, the teeth next to the missing teeth must be reduced in size. These teeth will serve as the anchors for the bridge, but losing enamel on a good tooth is never ideal. Secondly, the bridge is one unit and you cannot floss in a traditional sense. You must push floss underneath the bridge to keep the area clean which takes extra time. Most patients do not floss as regularly as we request and we don’t want to add another hurdle to the process. In conclusion, we still utilize bridges in some cases, but implants are a far superior option if possible.
Dental implants are extremely detailed procedures and require compliance from the patient, but also advanced training and a perfectionist mentality from the doctor to ensure the final restoration looks and feels like the real thing.
Does your denture rock and move around? Implants can also be placed in the bone under the denture and help hold it in place. Over time, the bone will shrink leaving less and less support for your denture. Dental implants can help stabilize your denture and give to freedom from a loose denture.
Contact us today to see if dental implants are a good option for your missing tooth.